COVID NEWS - 12/12/2020

To the saints of God at Bethel,

It saddens me to share this with you but together with the officers of our congregation I think it is needful.

This past Thursday Governor Wolf announced a number of restrictions to combat the dramatic spike in Covid-19 cases in our state. The restrictions include a limit of 10 persons for indoor gatherings.

As you may know, a special exemption was granted for worship services, but with that exemption came a plea from public officials that we should not use that exemption but seek alternate ways of meeting together if possible.

I very much appreciate the Commonwealth's careful reading of the Constitution, especially the First Amendment. I also believe that the principle of choosing to not fully use one's freedoms for the sake of serving the neighbor has a biblical foundation and is clearly reflected in the Ministry of our Lord.

In order to (1) safeguard the health and well-being of Beth members and friends (2) in view of the Governor's urgent request (3) with the intent of not giving a poor witness to neighbors by flaunting public health concerns and (4) in order to participate with all the citizens of our Commonwealth in common cause, we have determined the following:

• In person worship will be suspended beginning this Sunday, December 13. All worshipers are directed to the online service via facebook.
• A worship team of no greater than 10 persons will provide that live-streamed service.
• The Voters Meeting scheduled for after church this Sunday is postponed.

Please also be aware that the Tri-Parish Advent Service scheduled to be held at St. John's on Wednesday, December 16 has been cancelled. A time of online fellowship and an Advent devotion will be offered via ZOOM in its place. The information for that ZOOM devotional will be shared in a separate email early next week.

Other modifications impacting future services may be forthcoming; please keep an eye on your email inbox.

I leave you with one of my favorite verses from the Psalms - a reminder that the Lord is our peace and safety in every time of trouble. "Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in You my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by." (Ps. 57:1) May our gracious God keep you and your family safely under wing as this storm rages, and bring you finally to the eternal safe harbor in Him.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Hahn