"WHO IS BLAMELESS?" - Text: Psalm 119:1-3 (ESV)

As Lutherans we might be taken aback by the words of this morning's sermon text. Most of us have been taught from day one that our "blessedness" before the Lord is determined not by our "walk[ing] in the Law of the Lord" or by our "keep[ing] His testimonies" or by our "seek[ing] Him with [our] whole heart" or by our "do[ing] no wrong" or by our "walk[ing] in His ways," but solely by His redeeming grace in Jesus Christ.

'THE BIGGEST COVERUP" - Text: Genesis 3:7 (ESV)

Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves loincloths.

Genesis 3:7 (ESV)

When our son was very young, one of his favorite children's books that we would read to him was about a farmer named Golly Gump, who swallowed a fly while competing in a yawning contest at a state fair. As you might suspect, having a fly in his stomach created major problems for Golly, so he decided to solve the problem of the fly in his stomach by swallowing a spider. Certainly a spider would get rid of that bothersome fly--and indeed it did. The only trouble was that now poor Golly Gump had a spider to contend with. He tried to deal with that problem by swallowing a bird to get rid of the spider, and before the story was over he had also consumed a cat, a dog, and a dogcatcher.

Sometimes I think that we are a lot like Golly Gump when it comes to dealing with the problem of our sin. Instead of honestly facing it as a problem that we can't fix,