Bulletin Announcements for November 4, 2018


For All Saints Day 2018

HOLY COMMUNION:  The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in our service today.  Those not familiar with our church’s practice of close Communion are asked to read the      statement on the inside of the front cover of the hymnal.  Those communing are encouraged to meditate on the words of Hymn #628 and to complete a Communion        registration card.

ALTAR FLOWERS have been placed to the glory of God.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor Litke will be away from this   afternoon (November 4) through Friday afternoon (November 9), attending the Good Shepherd Institute at the seminary in Fort Wayne.  Any pastoral care emergencies during that time can be referred to Pastor Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


TRI PARISH BIBLE STUDY will be held this THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8  at 7:00  at Highpointe. This is the last study for this year.


NOVEMBER EVANGEL can be found in your personal email.


NOVEMBER CALENDAR and paper copies of the Evangel can be found in the narthex on the information table along with this month’s issue of the Pittsburgh Lutheran.


Thanksgiving Eve worship with Holy Communion will be  celebrated by our Tri-Parish on WEDNESDAY,   NOVEMBER 22, 7:30 p.m. at St. John's, Millvale.


AL’S BIKE DRIVE , toys for Tots is once more collecting money so bicycles can be presented to the Marines on   December 6. A donation of $90 will purchase a bike for those who have none. Donate online at www.alsbikedrive.org or see Al Todd.
