Bulletin announcements for December 30, 2018

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HOLY COMMUNION:  The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated among us today.  The statement “Concerning the Lord’s Supper,” printed inside the front cover of the hymnal, explains our Communion practice.  Hymn #639 may be helpful in          preparing to receive the Lord’s body and blood.  Please fill out a Communion           registration card from the pew rack for our records and place in collection plate.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God. You can pick up your poinsettias after service. There is a plastic cover bag under each plant.


BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S  REPORTS for the Annual Meeting are due by January 13. Please email them to secretary@bethelglenshaw.org


ANNUAL CONGREGATION  MEETING will be held SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 after the morning worship service.


PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY:  Our prayer meeting will meet this Wednesday,          January 2.  On January 9 we will begin a new study, Lutheranism 101, focusing on what it means to be uniquely  Lutheran.  The meetings are at 10:00 a.m. in the    upstairs classroom.


OPEN HOUSE AT THE LITKES on SATURDAY, JANAURY 5 beginning at 1:00 p.m.


SPECIAL EPIPHANY SERVICE will be held on SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 when Rev. Alexei Streltsov, rector of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Russia will preach the morning service. He will give a presentation at 9:00 a.m. There will be a light breakfast and a light lunch. Please sign up in the narthex and plan to bring a side dish for lunch.


SEWING GROUP will meet in January on FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 at 6:00 p.m


ALTAR FLOWERS for the year 2019  - please fill out a pink form found on the          information table in the narthex and give to Donna Heintz or Marie Litke. The cost has been discounted to $15 for a fresh vase arrangement (you can take home to  enjoy) or $3 for the artificial silk flowers (they stay at church) to be place in memory of a loved one or for special occasions.


JANUARY CALANDER can be picked up in the narthex. The Evangel will be         published next Sunday. Articles are due this WEDNESDAY. Please email them at    secretary @bethelglenshaw.org.

