We will once again observe Lent with a series of midweek worship services. Each service will begin at 7:00 p.m.
We will begin the Lenten season with a service of Holy Communion on Ash Wednesday evening. This service will also include the imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance for those who desire it.
On the following five Wednesday evenings we will gather for worship around the theme “The Way of the Cross” with the following topics and texts:
February 21
“The Sentence”
(Matthew 27:24-26)
February 28
The Reluctant Helper”
(Mark 15:20,21)
March 7
”The Daughters of Jerusalem”
(Luke 23:27-31)
March 14
“The Sacrifice”
(Luke 23:33; 44-46)
March 21
“The Burial”
(John 19:38-42)