¨ + + announcements + + +
ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Marilyn Heintz in memory of all the family and friends who have passed away.
DOOR OFFERING will be in the narthex for the mission work of Dan and Caroline Rehder as Bible Translators.
Bible study this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, at 10:00 a.m.
LENTEN MIDWEEK SERVICE will be held this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 at 7:00 p.m. We will continue with the theme of “The Way of the Cross” with this week’s topic “The Sacrifice” (Luke 23:33; 44-46)
LOADED POTATO BAR for the North Hills Community Outreach on FRIDAY, MARCH 16 at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church on Ferguson Road, 4:30-7:00 p.m. Free-will offering.
SPAGHETTI DINNER at St. John’s Millvale, SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Tickets are $8 at the door. This event is to help their Pre-School.
STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION will be performed on SUNDAY, APRIL 8 at 2:30 at Concordia at Rebecca and 4:00 at High Pointe Apartments. If you would like to participate as a reader, singer or musician please sign up in the narthex.
BENEFIT DINNER FOR THE WHITES was a success with about 90 people participating and over $1,300 raise to help the White’s. Thank you to all that gave their time and talents to make this event happen.
PORTAL OF PRAYERS for April-June can be picked up in the narthex. These daily devotions are a great size to stick in your car for those times when you are in traffic or to read every morning while you are warming up your car for work.