Bulletin Announcements for August 19, 2018

ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Mr. Alfred W. Todd II in memory of his beloved father Alfred W. Todd and his brother Tommy Lee Todd.


THANK YOU Pastor Daniel Hahn for leading our worship this morning.  Pastor Hahn serves as pastor at Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale.  May the Holy Spirit bless our hearing of the Word he proclaims this day.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor will be returning home tomorrow night (August 20).  Any emergency pastoral care situations until then can be referred to     Pastor  Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


ZION 150TH HISTORY EVENT will be on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 12:30 –4:00  p.m. Volunteers are needed.  Please sign up in the narthex if you can help lend a hand for this special, free to the public event. See poster in the Social Hall for more details.