Bulletin Announcements for June 2, 2919

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THANK YOU Pastor Daniel Strussenberg for leading our worship this morning.  Pastor Strussenberg serves as a chaplain for Concordia Lutheran Ministries.  May the Holy Spirit bless our hearing of the Word he proclaims this day.


HOLY COMMUNION— Today we receive the Sacrament of the Altar for our  spiritual  nourishment. If you are a visitor to ethel please read through the statement “Concerning the Lord’s Supper” inside the front cover of the hymnal. Please fill out one of the            registration cards in the pew rack and place in the offering plate.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Marina Isaac.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor Litke is in Saint Louis this weekend, attending the floor      committee meetings in preparation for next month's LCMS convention.  He will be returning late tomorrow night (June 3).  Any emergency pastoral care situations until then can be referred to Pastor Jerome Panzigru of John Huss Lutheran Church in Arnold (cell phone: (724) 594-8759).


PRAYER MEETING this WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 at 10:00 a.m. This will be the last Prayer Meeting  until September.


RETREAT FOR MEN AND WOMEN at Camp Pioneer is being planned for the weekend of AUGUST 23 with the cost a little over $100 per person. More details will become available. If you are interested in participating in this Tri-Parish event please sign up in the narthex.


SUMMER EVANGEL  can be read in your personal email. Paper copies can be picked up in the narthex. Also June calendar can be found on the information table.