* * *announcements * * *
ALTAR FLOWERS have been placed to the glory of God.
BOARD OF DIRECTORS will meet after the service.
CONGREGATION MEETING will be held in two weeks, June 7, 2020 after the morning worship service. All parishioners are encourage to join us for the worship and meeting.
SOCIAL DISTANCE—Please wear a mask and keep 6 feet of distance between you and someone else, (spouses are exempted, unless you feel it is necessary!)
TRI-PARISH BIBLE STUDY via Zoom will take place this Thursday at 7:00 p.m. For info on how to join the group see Al Todd or Gary Swanson.
PLEASE NOTE that if you notice something that needs to be fixed around the church building please mark it on the maintenance sheet located in the social hall under the AAL Clock.
FAREWELL SOCIAL will be held after the worship service on June 21 as this will be Rev. Litke’s last service here at Bethel. A larger event will occur later in the year when social distancing is lifted. ~