Bulletin Announcments for July 21, 2019

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HOLY COMMUNUION  is celebrated today. The communion statement inside the front cover of the hymnal explains our practice of close Communion. In  preparation for receiving the Savior’s body and blood the prayer “For Right    Reception of the  Lord’s Supp” (page 308 in the hymnal) may be helpful.        Remember to complete a Communion Registration Card for our record.


THANK YOU Pastor Daniel Hahn for leading our worship this morning.  Pastor Hahn serves as pastor at Saint John's Lutheran Church and as Eastern District Vice President for the Pittsburgh reagion.  May the Holy Spirit bless our hearing of the Word he proclaims this day.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor and Marie will be returning home Friday night (July 26).  Any emergency pastoral care situations until then can be referred to Pastor Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


ALTAR   FLOWERS  are  placed  to  the   glory  of  God.




REV. GRAMMES fell asleep in his Savior Jesus Christ on Monday, July 15. Pastor Grammes served St. John’s in Millvale from November 1988 until his   retirement in January 1998. Please remember Connie and their family in your prayers. Address: 3312 Estates Drive, Fairfield, CA 94533.





INSTALLATION OF NEW DEACONESS INTERN, Sara Scungio,  at Concordia will be held on WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 at 6:30 p.m. in Haven II Chapel. All are invited to the worship service.