Bulletin Announcements for August 11


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor will be back home Wednesday night (August 14).  Pastoral care situations until then can be referred to Pastor Douglas Spittel of First Trinity Lutheran Church in Oakland (cell phone: (412) 606-1151).


THANK YOU to our elders, Fred Heintz and Paul Hoffman, for leading our   worship this morning.  May the Lord bless their service among us.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God .


Redeemer Lutheran Church & School, Oakmont/Penn Hills (Verona) would like to invite you all to a picnic at Redeemer Lutheran School, at the end of Idaho Ave in Penn Hills, on Sunday, August 18. The picnic will begin around noon. There will be children's activities, and Redeemer will provide hot dogs, paper products, and bottles of water. Please bring a side dish or dessert for 6 or more to share. Don't forget to place your name on your bowls, dishes, etc.


PIONEER RETREAT will be held AUGUST 23-25.