Bulletin Announcement for October 4, 2020


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Ross and Lynn Betts in loving memory ofRoss’s mother, Mary Betts.

TRI-PARISH HANDBELL CHOIR REHEARSAL will meet weekly every Monday at 7pm at Bethel. If you have any questions, please contact Vicar Woolweber at 747-232-1911 or email vicar@stjohnsmillvale.org.

TRI-PARISH SEWING GROUP - is scheduled for Saturday, October 10th at 10am at Bethel.TRI-PARISH CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE – will meet at Bethel at 7pm on October 14th. The next

(large group) TRI-PARISH COMMITTEE MEETING will be held at Bethel at 7pm on October 21st.

APPLE DUMPLING GANG – Apple dumplings are going to be sold at the Drive-Through Oktoberfeston October 24th. Come join in the fun! The baking will be done at St. John’s on Saturday, October17th at 10am.

DUPLEX SALE—St. John’s recently acquired a duplex as part of an overall property acquisition plan.The church is now in the process of selling the duplex. The property is located at 508 and 509 Spruce Street in Millvale (Pittsburgh) 15209. The asking price is $160,000. This opportunity is beingmade available exclusively to members of St. John’s, Zion, and Bethel until October 18th before St. John’s enters into an agreement with a real estate agent. If you are interested in touring the duplexor making an offer, please contact Paul Brand by email at prbrand129@gmail.com. This is an excellent investment opportunity or living arrangement in an up-and-coming community. And you canwalk to St. John’s in a matter of seconds.