Bulletin Announcements for September 27, 2020


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the Glory of God by Ross & Lynn Betts in loving memory ofLynn’s father, Fred Droege.

“BLESSING OF THE QUILTS” - to be donated to First Trinity for the homeless will be held during the service today.

TRI-PARISH HANDBELL CHOIR REHEARSAL – will be held on Monday, September 28th at 6:30 pm here at Bethel. If you have any questions or are interested in joining, please contact Vicar Woolweber at 747-232-1911 or email at vicar@stjohnsmillvale.org.

TRI-PARISH CONSTITUTION COMMITTEE – will meet at St. John’s at 7pm on September 30th,and at Bethel at 7pm on October 14th. The next (large group) TRI-PARISH COMMITTEE MEETING will be held at Bethel on October 21st at 7pm.

OKTOBERFEST - Bethel will be hosting a drive thru Oktoberfest this year, with the assistance of our Tri-Parish partners, St John's in Millvale and Zion in Lawrenceville. A sign-up sheet for volunteers is in the narthex. Volunteers are needed. We will prepare a variety of your favorite German foods, including bratwurst, knackwurst, sauerkraut, potato pancakes, spaetzle and apple dumplings. Food can be ordered ahead of time at bethelglenshaw.org, or on site. We will accept free will offerings by either cash or charge. Stop by from 3-7 pm to pick up your orders! You won't need to leave the comfort of your car, as we will follow all guidelines regarding COVID-19. All proceeds will go to support the Redeemer Lutheran School...so make the time, take the short trip to Glenshaw, and pick up Saturday dinner for your family!

APPLE DUMPLING GANG – Apple dumplings are going to be sold at the Drive-ThroughOktoberfest on October 24th. Come join in the fun! The baking will be done at St. John’s onSaturday, October 17th at 10am.