Bulletin Announcements for Seventh Sunday of Easter

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HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY!  We give thanks for all the blessings given and     received through motherhood—especially Christian motherhood.  In an age when motherhood is often demeaned, it is especially important that we give thanks for those through whom the Lord gave us life and first taught us about Jesus.  We pray His continued blessings upon them.  Moms, this is your day!


ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Mrs. Carol Phillips on the occasion of her son David and Melissa’s 10th wedding anniversary,


BIBLE STUDY this Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.


SEWING GROUP will meet this FRIDAY, MAY 18 at 6:00 p.m. We need more help in sewing squares into quilts for the homeless in Pittsburgh.


MENS BREAKFAST at St. John’s in Millvale at 8:00 a.m. this SATURDAY, MAY 19. There will be planning of an upcoming retreat.


HELP IS NEEDED! We need people to help serve dinner for the blind ministry at First Trinity Lutheran Church in Oakland on SATURDAY, MAY 19. Please see Fred Heintz and let him know that you can lend a hand.


ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION to honor the service of Rev. Berton         Greenway for 30 years preaching the Gospel  and 25 years at Grace. It will be held on SUNDAY, MAY 20 at 3:00 p.m. at Grace Ev. Lutheran Church in Penn Hills. The Rev. Dr. Wallace Schulz will be the guest preacher. There will be a dinner immediately following the service.


Bulletin Announcements for May 6, 2018

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HOLY COMMUNION:  The Sacrament of the Altar is celebrated this morning.  A meditation on Hymn #617 might be good to include in your personal         preparation.  Our Communion practice is explained on the inside of the front cover of the hymnal, in the statement entitled “Concerning the Lord’s Supper.  Those who commune are asked to complete and hand in a Communion       registration card.


ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Marilyn Heintz in memory of her parents Fred and Leona Heintz.


BIBLE STUDY this Wednesday at 10:00 a.m.


ASCENSION DAY SERVICE will be held at noon at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Millvale and at 7:00 p.m. here at Bethel. There will be a meatball hoagie   supper at 6:00 p.m. prior to the evening service.


MAY EVANGEL can be read by going to your personal email or there are a couple hard copies located in the narthex along with May’s calendar.


HELP IS NEEDED! We need people to help serve dinner for the blind ministry at First Trinity Lutheran Church in Oakland on SATURDAY, MAY 19. Please see Fred Heintz and let him know that you can lend a hand.


PITTSBURGH LUTHERAN’S recent edition can be found in the narthex.


PRAYER LIST FOR MAY can be picked up on the information table in the    narthex. If you would like a copy of this month’s prayer devotion “Oremus”,    inform Pastor or Donna Heintz.


Bulletin Announcements for April 15, 2018

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HOLY COMMUNION:  This morning we have the opportunity to receive the Lord’s body and blood in the Sacrament of the Altar.  Visitors unfamiliar with our Communion practice are referred to the statement on the inside of the hymnal’s front cover.  Communicants are encouraged to meditate on the words of Hymn #634 and to hand in Communion registration card.


ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God.


Bible study  this WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, at 10:00 a.m.


ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH in Lawrenceville invites you to celebrate their 150th anniversary. Join them in a special service on SUNDAY, APRIL 22 at 2:30 p.m.


PRAYER LIST FOR APRIL can be found on the narthex information table. If you would like a copy of “Oremus” for this month please see Donna Heintz or Pastor.


Sisters of Divine Providence has openings for:  Nurse Aide/CNA,     daylight full time Nurse,  daylight weekends. Submit resume: Erica Burkarth, HR Sisters of Divine Providence   9000 Babcock Blvd, Allison Park, PA 15101 or email eburkarth@cdpsisters.org


Bulletin Announcements for April 8 2018

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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by .Mrs. Carol Phillips on the occasion of her daughter Kristen and Paul’s  26th wedding anniversary.


STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION will be performed TODAY. Participants are asked to be at Rebecca Residence at 1:15 p.m. for rehearsal.


Bible study  this WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, at 10:00 a.m.


SEWING GROUP will meet this FRIDAY, APRIL 13 at 6:00 p.m.


ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH in Lawrenceville invites you to celebrate their 150th anniversary. Join them in a special service on SUNDAY, APRIL 22 at

Bulletin Announcements for Palm Sunday

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HOLY COMMUNION:  It is our privilege to receive the Lord’s body and blood in the Sacrament this morning.  If you’re not acquainted with the practice of close Communion, please read the statement on the inside of the front cover of the hymnal.  Hymn #630 is offered for preparation.  Communicants are asked to fill out one of the registration cards found in the pew rack. Name and date is all that’s needed.


ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Mr. Alfred Todd II in loving memory of his beloved family.


Bible study this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, at 10:00 a.m.


HOLY WEEK MORNING PRAYER:  On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday mornings this week we will meet at church at 7:00 a.m. to pray the Office at Terce (one of the eight orders for daily prayer).  All are welcome. Maundy Thursday Holy Communion Service and Good Friday Service will be at 7:00 p.m. this week.




STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION.  Today is the deadline to sign up to participate.




Bulletin Announcments from March 11

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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Marilyn Heintz in memory of all the family and friends who have passed away.


DOOR OFFERING will be in the narthex for the mission work of Dan and     Caroline   Rehder as Bible Translators.


Bible study this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, at 10:00 a.m.


LENTEN MIDWEEK SERVICE will be held this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 at 7:00 p.m. We will continue with the theme of “The Way of the Cross” with this week’s topic “The Sacrifice” (Luke 23:33; 44-46)


LOADED POTATO BAR for the  North Hills Community Outreach on FRIDAY, MARCH 16 at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church on Ferguson Road, 4:30-7:00 p.m. Free-will offering.


SPAGHETTI DINNER at St. John’s Millvale, SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 4:00-6:00 p.m. Tickets are $8 at the door. This event is to help their Pre-School.


STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION will be performed on SUNDAY, APRIL 8 at 2:30 at Concordia at Rebecca and 4:00 at High Pointe Apartments. If you would like to participate as a reader, singer or musician please sign up in the narthex.


BENEFIT DINNER FOR THE WHITES was a success with about 90 people participating and over $1,300 raise to help the White’s. Thank you to all that gave their time and talents to make this event happen.


PORTAL OF PRAYERS for April-June can be picked up in the   narthex. These daily devotions are a great size to stick in your car for those times when you are in traffic or to read every morning while you are warming up your car for work.


Bulletin Announcements for March 4, 2018

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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God.


SPAGHETTI DINNER with donations going to our neighbors Rich and Mary White will be held TONIGHT, 5:00 –7:30 p.m. Help cleaning up is needed.




LENTEN MIDWEEK SERVICE will be held this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 7 at 7:00 p.m. We will continue with the theme of “The Way of the Cross” with this week’s topic “The Daughters of Jerusalem” (Luke 23:27-31)


SEWING GROUP will meet this FRIDAY at 6:00 p.m.


THE SEDER will be this SATURDAY, MARCH 10 . Please sign up in the      narthex if you plan to attend. Deadline for RSVP is MARCH 8.


MISSION UPDATE from Dan and Caroline Rehder will be presented this     coming,  SUNDAY, MARCH 11 during Sunday School hour, 9:00 a.m. There will be a door offering after the morning worship service that will help in their mission work.


STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION will be performed on SUNDAY, APRIL 8 at 2:30 at Concordia at Rebecca and 4:00 at High Pointe Apartments. If you would like to participate as a reader, singer or musician please sign up in the narthex.


MARCH ISSUE OF EVANGEL can be found in your personal email. There are a few paper copies in the narthex, along with March calendar of events.


We will once again observe Lent with a series of midweek worship services.  Each service will begin at 7:00 p.m.


We will begin the Lenten season with a     service of Holy Communion on Ash   Wednesday evening.  This service will also include the imposition of ashes as a sign of repentance for those who desire it.


On the following five Wednesday evenings we will gather for worship around the theme “The Way of the Cross” with the following   topics and texts:


February 21

“The Sentence”

(Matthew 27:24-26)



February 28

The Reluctant Helper”

(Mark 15:20,21)



March 7

”The Daughters of Jerusalem”

(Luke 23:27-31)



March 14

“The Sacrifice”

(Luke 23:33; 44-46)



March 21

“The Burial”

(John 19:38-42)