Bulletin Announcements for December 23, 2018

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ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God. Thank you to all who placed     poinsettias  for the CHRISTmas season. You can take your plant  tomorrow after the evening worship service or leave them for a couple Sundays. Under each plant is a  clear plastic bag to transport it home.


CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will take place tomorrow, DECEMBER 24 at 7:00 p.m. and CHRISTmas day service with Holy communion will take place on DECEMBER 25 at 10:15 a.m.


ANNUAL CONGREGATION  MEETING will be held SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 after the morning worship service. All parishioners are urged to attend.


EVANGEL ARTICLES are due this WEDNESDAY. Please email them at                 secretary@bethelglenshaw.org.




PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY:  The Wednesday morning Prayer/Bible study group will not meet until after the new year.  Our prayer meeting will be on Wednesday, January 2.  On January 8 we will begin a new study, Lutheranism 101, focusing on what it means to be uniquely  Lutheran.  The meetings are at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs      classroom.


OPEN HOUSE AT THE LITKES on SATURDAY, JANAURY 5 beginning at 1:00 p.m.


SPECIAL EPIPHANY SERVICE will be held on SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 when Rev. Alexei Streltsov, rector of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Russia will participate in  the morning service. He will give a presentation at 9:00 a.m.


HANDBELL PRACTICE will resume in the spring for Easter


POP TABS—Bethel is going to continue to collect the tabs that will go to the recycling center with the money given per weight to The Ronald McDonald House.


GROCERY BAGS are needed to make into “plarn” that will be crocheted into plastic mats that will be given to the homeless ministry at First Trinity Church. Please place them in the church Social Hall.


ALTAR FLOWERS for the year 2019  - please fill out a pink form found on the          information table in the narthex and give to Fred or Donna Heintz. The cost has been discounted to $15 for a fresh, for a  vase arrangement (you can take home to  enjoy) or $3 for the artificial silk flowers (they stay at church) to be place in memory of a loved one or for special occasions.





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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God. Correction: last Sunday the altar flowers were placed by Al Todd II not  Al Todd III.


BIBLE STUDY this WEDNESDAY,  NOVEMBER 14  at 10:00 a.m.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS meeting this WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 28 at 7:00 p.m. This is a budget meeting , all Directors are encouraged to attend.


HAND BELL RINGERS ARE NEEDED—please join us this FRIDAY,           NOVEMBER 30 at 6:00 P.M.


CALLING  ALL VOICES -Tri-parish is forming a choir to sing at Concordia’s Live Nativity on December 16 at Haven II on the Cabot campus at 5:30 p.m. and for the Festival of Lessons and Carols in the chapel at Rebecca Residence and Highpointe on Sunday, January 6 at 2:30 p.m.  Ruth Miller will begin the rehearsal schedule on Wednesday, November 28 at Zion at 7 p.m.  Every Wednesday thereafter we will be meeting after Advent Services at around 8 p.m. at each of the respective churches.  There will be no choir rehearsal on December 26.  Our final rehearsal for the January 6 performances will be on January 2 at 7 p.m. at Zion.


ADVENT COIN FOLDER MONIES will be given to the Tree of Life Synagogue.


POINTSETIAS for the holidays can be purchased for $10. See order form insert if interested.


CHURCH DECORATING will take place on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 8       beginning at  9:00 a.m.


PROJECT ANGEL TREE names can be picked up in the narthex. Please have your gift brought in by DECEMBER 9.


CONCORDIA SIXTH ANNUAL LIVE NATIVITY—SUNDAY, DECEMBER 16 beginning at 4:30 p.m. at Haven II building at 148 Marwood Road, Cabot.


CHRISTMAS CAROLING will take place on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 22. Time to be announced.




Bulletin Announcements for November 4, 2018


For All Saints Day 2018

HOLY COMMUNION:  The Lord’s Supper is celebrated in our service today.  Those not familiar with our church’s practice of close Communion are asked to read the      statement on the inside of the front cover of the hymnal.  Those communing are encouraged to meditate on the words of Hymn #628 and to complete a Communion        registration card.

ALTAR FLOWERS have been placed to the glory of God.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor Litke will be away from this   afternoon (November 4) through Friday afternoon (November 9), attending the Good Shepherd Institute at the seminary in Fort Wayne.  Any pastoral care emergencies during that time can be referred to Pastor Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


TRI PARISH BIBLE STUDY will be held this THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8  at 7:00  at Highpointe. This is the last study for this year.


NOVEMBER EVANGEL can be found in your personal email.


NOVEMBER CALENDAR and paper copies of the Evangel can be found in the narthex on the information table along with this month’s issue of the Pittsburgh Lutheran.


Thanksgiving Eve worship with Holy Communion will be  celebrated by our Tri-Parish on WEDNESDAY,   NOVEMBER 22, 7:30 p.m. at St. John's, Millvale.


AL’S BIKE DRIVE , toys for Tots is once more collecting money so bicycles can be presented to the Marines on   December 6. A donation of $90 will purchase a bike for those who have none. Donate online at www.alsbikedrive.org or see Al Todd.


Bulletin Annoncements for Ocotber 21, 2018

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HOLY COMMUNION:  The Lord’s body and blood are given in the Sacrament of the Altar this morning.  Our Communion practice is explained in the        statement on the inside of the hymnal cover.  The prayer “For                       Reconciliation” (page 312 in the hymnal) is suggested for preparation.  All    communicants are asked to complete a Communion registration card.


ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God


BIBLE STUDY  this WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24  at 10:00 a.m.


TRI-PARISH BIBLE STUDY as Highpointe will be held this THURSDAY,     OCTOBER 25 at 7:00 p.m.


TRICK OR TREAT at Highpointe at Rebecca for children ages 2 –12 on      FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 from 7:00-8:00 p.m.


Bulletin Announcements from September 30

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HOLY COMMUNION:  The Lord’s Supper is celebrated among us this day.  If you are not familiar with the practice of close Communion, please read the statement entitled “Concerning the Lord’s Supper” inside the front cover of the hymnal.  Those who commune are encouraged to reflect on hymn #636 and to fill out and hand in a Communion registration card, found in the pew rack.


ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Robert     Carlisle in memory of Bob’s parents Mr. and Mrs. David Carlisle.




OCTOBER’S EVANGEL, PITTSBRUGH LUTHERAN newsletter can be viewed online or a paper copies can be found on the information table in the narthex. October calendar can be found there also.


SEWING GROUP will meet this FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 6:00 p.m.


CONCORDIA OKTOBERFEST is this SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6 in Cabot  from 4:00-8:00 p.m. with fireworks at 7:45 p.m.



Bulletin Announcements for September 23, 2018

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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God.



WELCOME, PASTOR CARRETTO!  This morning we welcome to Bethel’s  pulpit the Rev. James Carretto, Director of Care Ministries for Orphan Grain Train.  We thank him for being with us today and pray the Spirit’s blessing on the Word he shares with us.



PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor Litke will be away from this afternoon (September 23) through Wednesday evening (September 26), attending the Eastern District Pastor's Conference at Camp Pioneer.  Any pastoral care emergencies during that time can be referred to Pastor Jerome Panzigrau of John Huss Lutheran Church in Arnold (cell phone: (724) 594-8759).





TRI-PARISH BIBLE STUDY:  The third meeting of our tri-parish Bible study is this Thursday evening (September 27), beginning at 7:00 p.m.  We will meet in the Bistro at Highpointe at Rebecca,  3792 Cedar Ridge Road, West Deer. 



THE LUTHERAN WITNESS—If you want a home subscription at the cost of $15.96/yr. please see Donna Heintz.





Announcement from Bulletin September 16, 2018

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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God.


NEXT SUNDAY (September 23) Rev. James Carretto, Director of Care        Ministries for Orphan Grain Train, will be with us to give a presentation on that organization during the Sunday School hour (9:00 a.m.), during which a light breakfast will be served  He will also be preaching the sermon at Sunday's   service.


BIBLE STUDY this WEDNESDAY at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs classroom.


BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Millvale this WEDNESDAY at 7:00 p.m.


TRI-PARISH MEETING will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church in Millvale this WEDNESDAY at 8:00 p.m.


TRI-PARISH BIBLE STUDY:  The second meeting of our tri-parish Bible study is this Thursday evening (September 20), beginning at 7:00 p.m.  We will meet in the Bistro at Highpointe at Rebecca,  3792 Cedar Ridge Road, West Deer. The first topic will be a three-part study of Christian identity.  Please join us!


HIGHPOINTE AT REBECCA will be celebrating their first Anniversary on     FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 with an informational presentation at 3:00 p.m.     followed by a happy hour and entertainment by the Rich Zabinski Trio. Then a      Community Day on SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 1:00-3:00 p.m. with River City Brass Band and refreshments.


AN INVITATION from Trinity Lutheran Church, Monroeville: Our 125th          Anniversary is this month! We invite you to join us for a Service of Thanksgiving and Praise, and luncheon to follow. September 23, 1:00 p.m. service; 2:30 pm luncheon. Luncheon RSVP $13 at Jaden’s II, 4733 W8illiam Penn Highway, Monroeville, PA Call 412-372-1431 to reserve.


THE LUTHERAN WITNESS—If you want a home subscription at the cost of $15.96/yr. please see Donna Heintz.


PORTAL OF PRAYERS for October— December  can be found in the narthex on the information table.


PRAYER LIST for September can be found on the information table.


Bulletin Announcements for August 19, 2018

ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God by Mr. Alfred W. Todd II in memory of his beloved father Alfred W. Todd and his brother Tommy Lee Todd.


THANK YOU Pastor Daniel Hahn for leading our worship this morning.  Pastor Hahn serves as pastor at Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale.  May the Holy Spirit bless our hearing of the Word he proclaims this day.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor will be returning home tomorrow night (August 20).  Any emergency pastoral care situations until then can be referred to     Pastor  Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


ZION 150TH HISTORY EVENT will be on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 12:30 –4:00  p.m. Volunteers are needed.  Please sign up in the narthex if you can help lend a hand for this special, free to the public event. See poster in the Social Hall for more details.



Bultin Announcements for Sdunday, July 22, 2018

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ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God.


THE PITTSBUGH PIRATES are having their Faith Night at the ballpark THIS FRIDAY, JULY 27 at 7:05 p.m. If you have signed up please see Paul Hoffman and  pay  ($35 per ticket) .






MARK YOU CALENDERS—Bethel will be holding a Tri-Parish Event on  SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. Beginning at 5:00 p.m. a Scavenger Hunt Road Rally will start and end with a Ice Cream Social at 7:00 p.m. You are welcome to participate in both activities or just come and eat ice cream. Please sign up  in the narthex.





ALTAR FLOWERS are place to the glory of God.


THE PITTSBUGH PIRATES are having their Faith Night at the ballpark THIS FRIDAY, JULY 27 at 7:05 p.m. If you have signed up please see Paul Hoffman and  pay  ($35 per ticket) .






MARK YOU CALENDERS—Bethel will be holding a Tri-Parish Event on  SATURDAY, AUGUST 4. Beginning at 5:00 p.m. a Scavenger Hunt Road Rally will start and end with a Ice Cream Social at 7:00 p.m. You are welcome to participate in both activities or just come and eat ice cream. Please sign up  in the narthex.