+ + announcements + + +
ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God. Thank you to all who placed poinsettias for the CHRISTmas season. You can take your plant tomorrow after the evening worship service or leave them for a couple Sundays. Under each plant is a clear plastic bag to transport it home.
CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT SERVICE will take place tomorrow, DECEMBER 24 at 7:00 p.m. and CHRISTmas day service with Holy communion will take place on DECEMBER 25 at 10:15 a.m.
ANNUAL CONGREGATION MEETING will be held SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 after the morning worship service. All parishioners are urged to attend.
EVANGEL ARTICLES are due this WEDNESDAY. Please email them at secretary@bethelglenshaw.org.
PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY: The Wednesday morning Prayer/Bible study group will not meet until after the new year. Our prayer meeting will be on Wednesday, January 2. On January 8 we will begin a new study, Lutheranism 101, focusing on what it means to be uniquely Lutheran. The meetings are at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs classroom.
OPEN HOUSE AT THE LITKES on SATURDAY, JANAURY 5 beginning at 1:00 p.m.
SPECIAL EPIPHANY SERVICE will be held on SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 when Rev. Alexei Streltsov, rector of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Russia will participate in the morning service. He will give a presentation at 9:00 a.m.
HANDBELL PRACTICE will resume in the spring for Easter
POP TABS—Bethel is going to continue to collect the tabs that will go to the recycling center with the money given per weight to The Ronald McDonald House.
GROCERY BAGS are needed to make into “plarn” that will be crocheted into plastic mats that will be given to the homeless ministry at First Trinity Church. Please place them in the church Social Hall.
ALTAR FLOWERS for the year 2019 - please fill out a pink form found on the information table in the narthex and give to Fred or Donna Heintz. The cost has been discounted to $15 for a fresh, for a vase arrangement (you can take home to enjoy) or $3 for the artificial silk flowers (they stay at church) to be place in memory of a loved one or for special occasions.