Bulletin Announcements for August 11


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor will be back home Wednesday night (August 14).  Pastoral care situations until then can be referred to Pastor Douglas Spittel of First Trinity Lutheran Church in Oakland (cell phone: (412) 606-1151).


THANK YOU to our elders, Fred Heintz and Paul Hoffman, for leading our   worship this morning.  May the Lord bless their service among us.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God .


Redeemer Lutheran Church & School, Oakmont/Penn Hills (Verona) would like to invite you all to a picnic at Redeemer Lutheran School, at the end of Idaho Ave in Penn Hills, on Sunday, August 18. The picnic will begin around noon. There will be children's activities, and Redeemer will provide hot dogs, paper products, and bottles of water. Please bring a side dish or dessert for 6 or more to share. Don't forget to place your name on your bowls, dishes, etc.


PIONEER RETREAT will be held AUGUST 23-25.


Bulletin Announcments for July 21, 2019

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HOLY COMMUNUION  is celebrated today. The communion statement inside the front cover of the hymnal explains our practice of close Communion. In  preparation for receiving the Savior’s body and blood the prayer “For Right    Reception of the  Lord’s Supp” (page 308 in the hymnal) may be helpful.        Remember to complete a Communion Registration Card for our record.


THANK YOU Pastor Daniel Hahn for leading our worship this morning.  Pastor Hahn serves as pastor at Saint John's Lutheran Church and as Eastern District Vice President for the Pittsburgh reagion.  May the Holy Spirit bless our hearing of the Word he proclaims this day.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor and Marie will be returning home Friday night (July 26).  Any emergency pastoral care situations until then can be referred to Pastor Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


ALTAR   FLOWERS  are  placed  to  the   glory  of  God.




REV. GRAMMES fell asleep in his Savior Jesus Christ on Monday, July 15. Pastor Grammes served St. John’s in Millvale from November 1988 until his   retirement in January 1998. Please remember Connie and their family in your prayers. Address: 3312 Estates Drive, Fairfield, CA 94533.





INSTALLATION OF NEW DEACONESS INTERN, Sara Scungio,  at Concordia will be held on WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 at 6:30 p.m. in Haven II Chapel. All are invited to the worship service.



Bulletin Announcments for June 16, 2019


HAPPY FATHERS’ DAY!  On this day set aside in our nation to honor fathers, we in the Church are especially thankful for all the blessings God has given us through the love, care, and example of Christian fathers.  Dads, we thank you and praise God because of you!


HOLY COMMUNION: We are privileges to receive the Sacrament of the Altar this morning. Visitors unfamiliar with the practice of close communion are asked to read the statement on the  inside front cover of the hymnal. In preparation for receiving the Lord’s body and blood a meditation on the words of hymn #624 us suggested. All communicants are reminded to fill out a communion registration card.



ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heintz in loving memory of Donna’s dad, Frank Yerkins.


RETREAT FOR MEN, WOMEN AND FAMILY at Camp Pioneer is being planned for the weekend of AUGUST 23 with the cost a little over $100 per   person. More details will become available. If you are interested in participating in this Tri-Parish event please sign up in the narthex.


PORTAL OF PRAYERS for July—September can be picked up in the narthex in your mailbox.


SPECIAL THANK YOU  to our organist, Dave Forsyth for cleaning the gutters on the lower part of the church.


Bulletin Announcements for June 2, 2919

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THANK YOU Pastor Daniel Strussenberg for leading our worship this morning.  Pastor Strussenberg serves as a chaplain for Concordia Lutheran Ministries.  May the Holy Spirit bless our hearing of the Word he proclaims this day.


HOLY COMMUNION— Today we receive the Sacrament of the Altar for our  spiritual  nourishment. If you are a visitor to ethel please read through the statement “Concerning the Lord’s Supper” inside the front cover of the hymnal. Please fill out one of the            registration cards in the pew rack and place in the offering plate.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Marina Isaac.


PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor Litke is in Saint Louis this weekend, attending the floor      committee meetings in preparation for next month's LCMS convention.  He will be returning late tomorrow night (June 3).  Any emergency pastoral care situations until then can be referred to Pastor Jerome Panzigru of John Huss Lutheran Church in Arnold (cell phone: (724) 594-8759).


PRAYER MEETING this WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5 at 10:00 a.m. This will be the last Prayer Meeting  until September.


RETREAT FOR MEN AND WOMEN at Camp Pioneer is being planned for the weekend of AUGUST 23 with the cost a little over $100 per person. More details will become available. If you are interested in participating in this Tri-Parish event please sign up in the narthex.


SUMMER EVANGEL  can be read in your personal email. Paper copies can be picked up in the narthex. Also June calendar can be found on the information table.



Bulletin Announcements for May 19, 2019

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HOLY COMMUNION this morning the Lord’s Supper is celebrated. The statement “Concerning the Lord’s Supper” incise the front cover of the hymnal explains our practice of close Communion. Those who commune may want to prepare by     reading the words of Hymn #610, Please will out a Communion registration card for our records.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Mrs. Carol Phillips on the   occasion of her son David and Melissa’s anniversary.


BIBLE STUDY this WEDNESDAY, MAY 22 at 10:00 a.m.


FAITH NIGHT  at the Pirates, SATURDAY, JUNE 22 at 4:05 p.m. $32 ($10       concession money). Sign up in the narthex.


THANK YOU to all who helped in hosting a picnic dinner for the Blind Ministry at First Trinity. Special thanks to Fred Heintz for organizing this event.


TRI-PARISH BIBLE STUDY  will be held on THURSDAY, MAY 23 at 7:00 p.m.    at Highpointe  of Concordia. This will be the last Bible Study until the Fall.


ASCENSION DAY SERVICE will be held on THURSDAY, MAY 30 at 7:00 p.m. at St; John’s Lutheran Church in Millvale.



Summer Camps:  Now accepting applications for summer camps at our Penn Hills campus for students entering K – 8th grade.  Please find the application, and       information on our website: rlspittsburgh.org 


Bulletin Announcments for April 7, 2019

+ + announcements + + +


HOLY COMMUNION: The Sacrament of the Altar is included in today’s worship service. Those not familiar with our Church’s Communion practice are asked to read the statement on the inside of the front cover of the hymnal. In preparation for receiving the Lord’s body and blood a meditation on Hymn #637 is recommended. Communicants are reminded to complete and hand in a Com8unnion registration card.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Dr. and Mrs. Ross Betts in loving memory of Ross’s mother, May Betts.


BIBLE STUDY  this WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs class room.


MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICE will take place here this WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 Supper will begin at 6:00 p.m. with service following at 7:00 p.m. We need side dishes and dessert for the supper. Please sign up in the narthex.


HANDBELL CHOIR will practice this THURSDAY, APRIL 11 at 7:00 p.m.


THE SEDER will be celebrated here at Bethel on SATURDAY, APRIL 13 at 5:00 p.m. Sign up in the narthex.


STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION is being planned to take place on         SUNDAY, APRIL 28. If you can participate in this annual  event please sign up in the narthex.


APRIL EVANGEL can be found in your personal email or if you would like to ‘hold’ the Evangel there are some paper copies in the narthex.






Bulletin Announcements for March 24, 2019

+ + announcements + + +


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlisle in loving memory of Dorothy’s father George Lesnansky.


BIBLE STUDY  this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs class room. We are studying the book “Lutheranism 101”


MIDWEEK LENTEN SERVICE will take place this WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 here at St. Johns in Millvale.  A soup supper will begin at 6:00 p.m. with service following at 7:00 p.m. We need someone to make a big pot of soup


HANDBELL CHOIR will practice this THURSDAY, MARCH 28 at 7:00 p.m.


SIGHT AND SOUND THEATER bus tour on August 23—24 through Lenzer tours is being considered through the Tri-Parish committee. More info can be found in the March Evangel. Sign up today if you plan to attend.


STATIONS OF THE RESURRECTION is being planned to take place on        SUNDAY, APRIL 28. If you can participate in this annual  event please sign up in the narthex.


NEED YOUR  HELP—Bethel would like to remember some of the Angel Tree  children this Easter. Please bring in candy, books, etc. to fill Easter Baskets by Psalm Sunday. Place items in designated box found in the narthex.


Redeemer Lutheran School is in need of volunteer musicians for our    musical, Mary Poppins.  Specifically, we are in need of a bassist and a drummer, but other professional musicians would be welcomed.  Please contact the school (412-793-5885) as soon as possible if you know of anyone who would be willing to volunteer their time to our production.

















Bulletin Announcements for January 13, 2019

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PASTORAL CARE:  Pastor will be away at the Confessional Symposium in Fort Wayne from tomorrow morning (January 14) through Friday afternoon (January 18).  If pastoral care is needed during that time, you may call Pastor Daniel Hahn of Saint John's Lutheran Church in Millvale (cell phone: (989) 977-0166).


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heintz in memory of Donna’s mother Mary Yerkins and in memory of Betty Germer.


NO BIBLE STUDY this week due to Pastor begin away.


TRI-PARISH BIBLE STUDY will take place this THURSDAY, JANARY 17 at 7:00 p.m. at Highpointe at Concordia. We will be starting a new study on “prayer”. This is a great time to join together around God’s Word.


SEWING GROUP will meet this FRIDAY, JANUARY 18  at 6:00 p.m. We need your help in cutting, pinning and sewing. Please find time in your busy schedule for three hours a month to make blankets for the homeless in Pittsburgh.


ANNUAL CONGREGATION  MEETING will be held next  SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 after the morning worship service. Prayerfully consider this week how you can serve the Lord in His house.


GROCERY BAGS are needed to make into “plarn” that will be crocheted into plastic mats that will be given to the homeless ministry at First Trinity Church. Please place them in the church Social Hall.


ALTAR FLOWERS for the year 2019  - please fill out a pink form found on the          information table in the narthex and give to Marie Litke or  Donna Heintz. The cost has been discounted to $15 for a fresh, for a  vase arrangement (you can take home to  enjoy) or $3 for the artificial silk flowers (they stay at church) to be place in memory of a loved one or for special occasions.



Bulletin Announcements for January 6, 2019

GUEST PREACHER:  Proclaiming the Gospel in our midst today is Rev.    Alexey Streltsov.  Pastor Streltsov serves as the rector of the Evangelical      Lutheran Seminary in Siberia.  May the Lord bless the Word that he preaches among us today.


HOLY COMMUNION:  This morning it is our privilege to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.  The statement inside the hymnal’s front cover explains the practice of close Communion.  Those who commune are encouraged to meditate on the words of Hymn #612 for spiritual preparation.  Filling out and handing in a  Communion registration card will be greatly appreciated.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God. Please take your poinsettias with you after the service if you previously ordered  one.


LIGHT LUNCH will follow todays morning service.


A FESTIVAL OF LESSONS AND CAROLS will take place TODAY at Rebecca     Residence then at Highpoint of Concordia. Participants are asked to be there by 2:00 p.m.


ANNUAL CONGREGATION  MEETING will be held SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 after the morning worship service. All parishioners are urged to attend.


JANUARY EVANGEL can be read in your personal email or you can pick up a hard copy in the narthex.


PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY:  The Wednesday morning Prayer group will meet THIS WEDNESDAY.  We will begin a new study on WEDNESDAY January 23 on,    Lutheranism 101, focusing on what it means to be uniquely  Lutheran.  It's a good time to join the group for prayer, the study of God's Word, and fellowship.  The meetings are at 10:00 a.m. in the upstairs  classroom.


IN NEED OF A CARD? Kristen Hoffman has donated greeting cards which her group have made in the past. They are located in the narthex and are free for the taking...THANKS KRISTEN!


GROCERY BAGS are needed to make into “plarn” that will be crocheted into plastic mats that will be given to the homeless ministry at First Trinity Church. Please place them in the church Social Hall.


ALTAR FLOWERS for the year 2019  - please fill out a pink form found on the information table in the narthex and give to Fred or Donna Heintz.





Bulletin announcements for December 30, 2018

+ + announcements + + +


HOLY COMMUNION:  The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is celebrated among us today.  The statement “Concerning the Lord’s Supper,” printed inside the front cover of the hymnal, explains our Communion practice.  Hymn #639 may be helpful in          preparing to receive the Lord’s body and blood.  Please fill out a Communion           registration card from the pew rack for our records and place in collection plate.


ALTAR FLOWERS are placed to the glory of God. You can pick up your poinsettias after service. There is a plastic cover bag under each plant.


BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S  REPORTS for the Annual Meeting are due by January 13. Please email them to secretary@bethelglenshaw.org


ANNUAL CONGREGATION  MEETING will be held SUNDAY, JANUARY 20 after the morning worship service.


PRAYER/BIBLE STUDY:  Our prayer meeting will meet this Wednesday,          January 2.  On January 9 we will begin a new study, Lutheranism 101, focusing on what it means to be uniquely  Lutheran.  The meetings are at 10:00 a.m. in the    upstairs classroom.


OPEN HOUSE AT THE LITKES on SATURDAY, JANAURY 5 beginning at 1:00 p.m.


SPECIAL EPIPHANY SERVICE will be held on SUNDAY, JANUARY 6 when Rev. Alexei Streltsov, rector of the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Novosibirsk, Russia will preach the morning service. He will give a presentation at 9:00 a.m. There will be a light breakfast and a light lunch. Please sign up in the narthex and plan to bring a side dish for lunch.


SEWING GROUP will meet in January on FRIDAY, JANUARY 18 at 6:00 p.m


ALTAR FLOWERS for the year 2019  - please fill out a pink form found on the          information table in the narthex and give to Donna Heintz or Marie Litke. The cost has been discounted to $15 for a fresh vase arrangement (you can take home to  enjoy) or $3 for the artificial silk flowers (they stay at church) to be place in memory of a loved one or for special occasions.


JANUARY CALANDER can be picked up in the narthex. The Evangel will be         published next Sunday. Articles are due this WEDNESDAY. Please email them at    secretary @bethelglenshaw.org.

